1560 sqm
Tulungagung, East Java
Under Construction
IV House is hidden behind a small entrance. With no 'real' facade, the building is revealed through the experience of going in between the old house and the refurbished garage. At the back, a reflecting pond welcomes visitors into the guest room.
On the left side of the entrance are the private office and home gym. Whilst the sculptural pond becomes a welcoming feature to the main house on the right. At night, the guest room emanates its light back to the main terrace. The owner's show garage is also see-through from the house lobby.
From the entrance, visitors walk through a maze-like corridor that reveals a small internal courtyard. At the back end of the house, an open living and dining area then opens up to the backyard. In the living area, a study room overlooks this huge open space to create visual connectivity between the kids and parents.
Our favorite part of the house is this 2nd-floor bridge, joining the master bedroom to the rest of the house. It also serves as a contemplative space with great views towards the house entrance.